Predicting Female Life Expectancy using two variables in
multiple regression
- Yesterday, we saw the
separate effects of two variables on female life
- This graph showed that
Female Literacy explained 67% of the
- And this graph showed that the wealth of a society,
measured by the logarithm of GDP per capita, explained
69% of the variance:
- Suppose we used both
variables, female literacy and society's
wealth, to explain female life span?
- We can't simply add
together their separate explanations of variation --
67% + 69% = 136%
- It makes no sense
to explain more than 100% of the
- One can't add
together their explained variance, for female
literacy and social wealth are
themselves correlated at .632
- That means that the
two variables are sharing the variation that they
- We can use muliple
regression analysis to separate their
- Here's the result of
that multiple regression analysis, first the overall
summary, with the R and
- This box shows that the
combined effects of the two variables increased the
variance explained to 80%.
- The ANOVA box
shows that the multiple correlation, R, is
significant far beyond the .05 level, for two variables
and 85 cases.
- The box above reports
separate t test for the variables in the equation,
which indicate that each is significant far beyond
- Here is the final
regression equation, built from information in the box
- Y = 26.229 +
8.738*Log GDP_CAP + .197*FemaleLiteracy
- To reproduce the
multiple R between the actual life span and that
predicted by the above equation by computing the
estimated value from the equation, using "Compute"
under the Transform Menu in SPSS 10.
- Then we use the new
variable Estimate in a simple linear scatterplot
against Female Life Expectancy:
- Note that this
R2 is exactly equal to the R2
from the multiple regression
- Thus, the R for a
multiple regression equation is equal to the simple r
computed between the original dependent variable and the
estimated variable predicted by the regression